The Barony of Bergental proudly presents Novice Schola! (Facebook Link) SATURDAY, 10 JUNE 2023
This year’s event will be a little bit of a twist on our classic day of learning and shenanigans. We’re focusing on turning our eyes to the East (and we don’t just mean the East Kingdom). This year’s schola will offer classes that focus on Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. Our goal is to provide
tracks for youth, newcomers, and even our veteran players.
Bardic Quest – Lady Isabelle has returned from her long travels overseas. While there she longed for the music and stories of her friends. She challenges all our would-be bards to bring their new “Old Favorite” to share. This can be music or a story that you have discovered, rediscovered, or just wish to put your own spin on.
PiXiu’s Hunt – This treasure-focused Team Scavenger Hunt is open to all ages.
Arts & Science Display – Have you made something you would like to share but don’t necessarily want to enter in competition? We would love to have you display what you’ve been working on. New and experienced players are encouraged to participate. The more displays, the bigger the opportunity to help someone discover something new.
Class Schedule
If you are interested in teaching, please contact Lady Isabelle Saint-Michael at
Please Include: Class name/Description, Age Group, Class Facility (Indoor, Outdoor, Virtual, Workshop Space/Sink)
Day Board – A variety of curries, pickled vegetables, rice, teas, and snacks.
GF and Vegetarian will be offered. Cost of Day Board is included in the gate fee.
Feast is by Pre-registration only. It will offer five courses including dumplings, soup, lucky noodles, duck, and fruit mooncakes.
Cost is $10 per person in addition to gate fees.
Event Fee:
$25 Adult Non-member
$20 Adult Member
Free Youths under 18
$10 Feast
Site Location:
Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public School
15 Mulligan Dr
South Hadley, MA,
US 01075
This is a Dry Site.
No smoking or vaping is allowed on the property.
Site Opens at 9 am.
Site Closes at 8 pm.